Contact Mechanics
Micro/Nano Physics of Materials
M. Sakai, Prof. Emeritus, Toyohashi University of Technology
“Indentation Contact Mechanics” is the science and engineering of the mechanical processes of an indenter pressed onto a continuum, the historical origin of which dates back to the 19th Century as the indentation hardness numbers (the Brinell Hardness and the Martens Hardness). The PDF-textbooks (English ed. and Japanese ed.) are uploaded in this site, that are readily downloadable for any persons including the scientists/engineers as well as the students in the related fields of science and engineering. The textbooks include the continuum theories of the indentation contact of elastic/elastoplastic/viscoelastic bodies, instrumented indentation apparatuses and experimental analyses, numerical studies based on the finite element analysis, the micro/nano materials physics, etc. The author is definitely convinced that the visitors of this site make significant contributions to further developing the science and engineering of Indentation Contact Mechanics with the aid of these text books
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Outline of the textbook:
(1) General concept of stress/strain
(2) Continuum mechanics of elastic body
(3) Indentation contact mechanics of elastic body
(4) Plastic yield and indentation contact problems
(5) Elastoplastic indentation contact mechanics
(6) Linear viscoelastic formulation
(7) Viscoelastic indentation contact mechanics
(8) Indentation contact mechanics of soft matter with surface adhesion
(9) Indentation contact mechanics of laminate composites
(10) Numerical indentation contact mechanics
(11) Instrumented indentation apparatuses and experimental analysis
(12) Micro/nano materials physics
about the author
Mototsugu Sakai :
Professor emeritus, Toyohashi University of Technology
Majour Research Projects:
Indentation Contact Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics
Rheology of Ceramics at Elevated Temperatures